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Contact us at or by text message to our phone number 949- 991- 6090 if you can not find an answer to your question.
We encourage our special customers to check this information on the description of each one of our products at Online store. Some products are available to be deliver on the next day. However there are other ones that need more time to be prepared. Contact us before placing the order if you need more information on a specific product.
We only do Local deliveries. The ZIP codes we deliver to are 92602, 92603, 92604, 92606, 92612, 92614, 92616, 92617, 29618, 92619, 92620, 92623, 92650, 92697, 92780 and 92782. For other local ZIP codes contact us by mail telling us which is your need. We will answer promptly.
It depends on the product, so we encourage customers to check the description on each product at the Online store. After this, the customer can tell us a date when select the product also customer can select the delivery day at checkout. Most of the products can be delivered the next day if the customer places the order before 10:00am. Some other products could be only delivered days after the customer place the order. Our deliveries are Monday to Friday between 3:00 to 6:00 pm. We do not delivery on Saturdays.
Pick-up option could be available just if customer call us before place the order. If we confirm ths option, when the product is ready a notification "Ready to pick-up" will be sent by email and/or text message on the base of the description of each product at Online store. We encourage to check this information before you place an order.
Knowing this, the customer can select a pick up day and also an hour at checkout according with the information that is in the description of the product. Some products can be prepared to pick them up next day, others NO because they requiere more time to be prepared.
Customer will receive an email confirmation after the order placement.
We hope our customers understand that we work with natural products and we make them always beautiful. Because their nature, they can show different kinds of variations, like colors or tones, sizes and shapes. However, we always try to mantain the esence of the product. The customers can expect almost the same product but not exactly because we can not make copies. We appreciate our customers and we will contact you in case the variation will be more than expected.
The first one is that our products contain living organisms, such as plants. The pictures provided for the product are taken for that or those especific plants. Every plant is different in shape, color and size even if they are clones. The second one is the season availability. Some times a specie or a plant in bloom is only availble at one time of the year, or just for a season. So, that imply that variations may occur in the type of plant or specie that is used. The important part is that customer can expect almost the same product, however If the variation definitely will be great, we appreciate our customers and we will contact them.
On the base of they are living organisms and they need properly maintainence, we could say that if they are maintained properly then the plants can live happy and maintain healthy for good time. However all living organisms have a cycle and it is related to the fenology of an organism. To born, to growth, to reproduce and to die is something natural for plants too. The plants in a garden, terrarium or fairy garden, fullfill that cycle too. Some of them live more than others. If the plants are cared properly they will be living happy and beautiful until they complete the cycle where ever they are, unless they were unhealthy for some reason.
Yes, if a customer ordered one of these products (gardens, terrariums, fairy gardens) it will be acompained by special instructions to take care of it. This includes watering, nutrition and lighting directions. Also on our Blog customers can find interesting information about this.
If customers see on the description of the product the note "The glass container for this product could be different", Yes. However, customer is welcome to contact us to confirm or to tell them options available. The important thing is that we always try to mantain the essence of the product.
All products are taxable. The sales tax rate 7.750% is applied over the product price and will be included in the final cost of the product at check out. This information is based on de CDTFA for the Orange County.
Sometimes a subtitution could occurr. The only reason for that is because the flower variety, the type or the color is not available at the trademarket wholesale.
Under temperatures between 65°F to 75°F or less and with fresh water, flowers can stay in good condition between 7 to 8 days in average or inclusively more (this feature depends also on the specie and variety). More temperature and sunny light lead it to last a shorter period of time.
During seasons we reccomend to place the order with enough time ahead, specially for those products that need more time to be prepared. Is possible that we have more than regular order quantity. If the order will be late we will try to inform the customer about this issue.
We recommend to place the flowers with partial light, under lower temperature (65°F-75°F if possible) and change water every two or three days. One tip is to add three drops of bleach on every liter of the fresh water.
Thank you again for buy our products. Your review help us to make it better each day! We believe in Kai-Sen (Continuous improvement). You can make a review by our Contact link or to Also on Social Media, Facebook and Istagram we receive your reviews. Thank you in advance to share.
Yes, we do. Our creativity, sensibility and organization can make it possible for you. Please contact us by the contact link telling us about your memorable event, such us possible date, location, ceremony type, and all what you want to tell us at that moment (that help us in order to give our customer the better advide) and we will contact you ASAP to provide more information.